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Trabajos especiales en casa 2020 (1)

TRABAJOS ESPECIALES 2020 Hola alumnos de 1ro, 2do y 3er año del Liceo San José: Uruguay, como el resto del mundo, está tomando medidas para tratar de vencer al virus conocido comúnmente como "coronavirus", por lo que todas las instituciones de enseñanza se cerrarán durante dos semanas...pero eso no significa más vacaciones (sorry), sino que vamos a aprovechar la tecnología para poder seguir aprendiendo desde casa.   Nuestras herramientas serán: este blog , donde tendrás todos los materiales de estudio; Instagram (mashistoria9) , para seguir informándonos de nuevos materiales; podcast que aparecerán en este blog, en donde yo explicaré los temas de estudio; email (  para mandar y recibir distintos trabajos (luego les daré la contraseña del mismo) Todo lo que vamos a hacer será explicado y tendrá una fecha de entrega. No es opcional , todo se hace como si estuviéramos en clase, por lo tanto todas las actividades llevan su respectiva c

Auxiliary science of history

AUXILIARY SCIENCES OF HISTORY Historians cannot know everything when investigating a historical fact, they will need the help of many other sciences to be able to carry out his work in a more precise and rigorous way, that is, more scientific. -Among many of the sciences that collaborate with History, among the most prominent is Geography , whose purpose is to describe the Earth, soils and climates where the human being has been located, helps us to understand the relationship between Man and the environment. - Chronology , helps us to date, to locate the events in time. The starting point used to count time is the birth of Jesus Christ, so everything that happened before that event is called before Christ, and is abbreviated BC. - Archeology , studies the material remains of the past, for example, monuments, sculptures, and other objects built or used by Humans. - Geology, studies the terrestrial globe, both its origin and the formation of the materials that co

Sources of History

SOURCES OF HISTORY Historians need evidences to be able to reconstruct the historical past, whether on recent events or on the remote past. They call them sources of information. Those tests or traces that the past has left us, can be classified into four groups: - Written documents - Oral history - Material remains - Audio-visual documents 1- Written documents have always been an important source for the study of the past. But some documents could be difficult to understand, o incomplete, so they need special study. It is important to keep in mind that documents written at the same time of the events to investigate are called historical documents. For example, a letter written by José Artigas. Those documents that were prepared after the historical events are called historiographic documents. 2- But when we do not have written documents to reconstruct the past, either because they have disappeared or the events were prior to the invention of writing, the h

What is History?

WHAT IS HISTORY? The word HISTORY derives from the Greek term "istoria", which means interview, interrogation of an eyewitness, and also refers to the results of these actions. We also find in the Greeks the word "histor", which is translated as judge, person who knows, and the word "historeo", which means to search, search, examine. The word after Greek, passed to other languages, especially through Latin. History as a science, was born in Greece, in the 5th century BC, a culture that comprised a geographical area greater than the present one, from the south of the Balkan Peninsula, islands of the Aegean Sea, and coasts of Asia Minor. Therefore, the Greeks absorbed influences from other cultures and clashed with other civilizations. Herodotus (484-425 BC) History arises as a need to explore and discover the nature of the cosmos and the known world, peoples and men. Therefore, it is in Greece where it is born as an activity dee

Curiosidades de la Historia

El vagón nº 2419 Firma del armisticio noviembre 1918 En 1919, se firmó en Versalles, Francia, el tratado que significó el fin de la Primera Guerra Mundial .  Las condiciones impuestas a Alemania fueron muy duras, tanto que muchos historiadores la colocan como una de las causas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Antes del tratado de Versalles, el fin de la guerra se firmó en la localidad de Compiègne, concretamente en el interior de un vagón de tren, con una gran carga simbólica para los Aliados y también para los Alemanes. El vagón fue construido como restaurante, en la ciudad de Saint-Denis en 1914 por la  Compañía Internacional Wagons Lits (C.I.W.L.)  y en agosto de 1918 se acondicionó para ser utilizado como oficina del comandante en jefe de los ejércitos Aliados, el mariscal Ferdinand Foch  ,entre ellas contaba con una mesa de reuniones para diez personas para poder extender mapas, una sala pequeña de trabajo, una cocina, y otros pequeños detalles. Tres meses después, e

VIdeos de 3er año: Historia nacional

VIDEOS DE 2DO AÑO LICEO SAN JOSÉ, SAGRADA FAMILIA INTERPRETACIONES SOBRE HISTORIA NACIONAL                                                                                                 REGLAMENTO DE TIERRAS DE 1815                                               INSTRUCCIONES DEL AÑO XIII