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Counting time

History needs to place the facts in space and time, both coordinates are inseparables.  Each civilization counts time through a calendar. We use the year (365 day, +1, every four years), lustrum (5 years), decade (10 years), century (100 years) and millennium (1000 years) Our calendar usually starts by pointing the birth of Christ. To chronologically locate the events prior to the birth of Christ, we do so by counting backwards from his birth, the higher number, the older the historical event.  When things happened before Christ was born, we add BC to the number, and for things that happened after Christ, we add AD (AD stands for Anno Dominici, which means “year of our Lord” in Latin). If the date doesn’t say AD or BC, it is always AD. Remember, in History there is not the year 0, so 1 is B.C and 1 A.D. THE ROMAN NUMERALS Centuries are written with Roman numerals. The centuries go from the year 1 to 100-----1st century                                                10 1 to 200


NEOLITHIC Neolithic means Neo : new, and lithic : stone, therefore it is the New Stone Age . This period can be located from approximately 10,000 B.C to 3,000 B.C. It is important to remember that the dates are estimates and vary from one place to another. It begins with the discovery of agriculture, and ends with the invention of writing, therefore, with the beginning of HISTORY. At this time polished stone instruments are used with a more perfect finish than carved stone. To obtain this effect it is necessary to use a new technique: rubbing instead of percussion. Rubbing one stone with the other or with wet sand, polished surfaces are obtained. But what really stands out in this period is the discovery of agriculture and the domestication of animals (livestock), which leads to a large number of transformations of all kinds, which is why some historians call this era the Neolithic Revolution. Around 10,000 years ago, the climate became more temperate, the glaciers receded and many ani


PALEOLITHIC Paleolithic : Paleo (ancient) , Lithic (stone) that is: The Stone Age . It is the initial and longest period of the evolution of humanity. It begins from the origin of Humanity until the invention of agriculture, approximately 10,000 years ago. It is characterized by the use of carved stone instruments and a destructive economy based on hunting, fishing and gathering food plants. When we refer to the economy as destructive, it is because humans do not replace what they take from nature, so they had to move to another place to get it again. The utensils and weapons used were made of flint, a hard stone from which if you strike hard, very sharp edges are obtained. Throughout the entire Paleolithic the techniques were improving and arrowheads, bows, hooks, piercers, harpoons, sewing needles, hand axes, propellers, among others, were used. It must be remembered that during a large part of the Paleolithic period, humans lived in the times of the ice ages, therefore it was necess


PREHISTORY The PRESHISTORY is the longest stage in the History of Humanity, although the term prehistory is also used to designate the discipline that is responsible for studying from the emergence of the first human beings (approximately 2.5 million years ago) until the invention of writing, which arises for the first time in either the cuneiform in Mesopotamia in 3 500 BC. with cuneiform writing, or in Egypt, with hieroglyphic writing. HOW TO STUDY THE PREHISTORY? The lack of written documents to study this period forces the Prehistoric researcher to base his study on other sources, such as material remains, utensils, weapons, paintings and human remains. The support of the other auxiliary sciences is vital to complete the study. Prehistory is divided into two stages the STONE AGE and THE METAL AGE . It is called the Stone Age because it is this, the stone, the material most used by humans, and those that have undoubtedly been able to stand the test of time. Do

Auxiliary science of history

AUXILIARY SCIENCES OF HISTORY Historians cannot know everything when investigating a historical fact, they will need the help of many other sciences to be able to carry out his work in a more precise and rigorous way, that is, more scientific. -Among many of the sciences that collaborate with History, among the most prominent is Geography , whose purpose is to describe the Earth, soils and climates where the human being has been located, helps us to understand the relationship between Man and the environment. - Chronology , helps us to date, to locate the events in time. The starting point used to count time is the birth of Jesus Christ, so everything that happened before that event is called before Christ, and is abbreviated BC. - Archeology , studies the material remains of the past, for example, monuments, sculptures, and other objects built or used by Humans. - Geology, studies the terrestrial globe, both its origin and the formation of the materials that co

Sources of History

SOURCES OF HISTORY Historians need evidences to be able to reconstruct the historical past, whether on recent events or on the remote past. They call them sources of information. Those tests or traces that the past has left us, can be classified into four groups: - Written documents - Oral history - Material remains - Audio-visual documents 1- Written documents have always been an important source for the study of the past. But some documents could be difficult to understand, o incomplete, so they need special study. It is important to keep in mind that documents written at the same time of the events to investigate are called historical documents. For example, a letter written by José Artigas. Those documents that were prepared after the historical events are called historiographic documents. 2- But when we do not have written documents to reconstruct the past, either because they have disappeared or the events were prior to the invention of writing, the h

What is History?

WHAT IS HISTORY? The word HISTORY derives from the Greek term "istoria", which means interview, interrogation of an eyewitness, and also refers to the results of these actions. We also find in the Greeks the word "histor", which is translated as judge, person who knows, and the word "historeo", which means to search, search, examine. The word after Greek, passed to other languages, especially through Latin. History as a science, was born in Greece, in the 5th century BC, a culture that comprised a geographical area greater than the present one, from the south of the Balkan Peninsula, islands of the Aegean Sea, and coasts of Asia Minor. Therefore, the Greeks absorbed influences from other cultures and clashed with other civilizations. Herodotus (484-425 BC) History arises as a need to explore and discover the nature of the cosmos and the known world, peoples and men. Therefore, it is in Greece where it is born as an activity dee